Educating Servant Leaders
It is the mission of Papua Hope Language Institute to develop, grow, and educate servant leaders. The idea of servant leadership is taken from the life of our savior Jesus Christ. In Mark 10:43- 45 and John 13: 14,15 (see below) Jesus says that we must be servants and serve others in love. Jesus’ life is an example of how we can love and serve others while still continuing to lead them.
But among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must first be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all. For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many (Mark 10: 43-45 NLT).
And since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you (John 13: 14,15 NLT).
Papua Hope strives to teach our students what it means to lead as a servant. We do this by teaching classes on Bible, Spiritual formation, and involving students in Small groups. The journey begins with knowing who they are in Christ and who God is calling them to serve.
More about the Mission of Papua Hope
Papua is the remotest province of Indonesia, and though it is blessed with abundant natural resources (the world’s largest gold mine and second largest copper mine) as well as a rich cultural heritage, only 1% of Papuans receive a college education while HIV & AIDS claims the lives of 3% of the population (BPS* & UNICEF).
Papua Hope focuses on education and discipleship, teaching students that they must hold in one hand the richness of Papua and in the other the unique challenges they face, and in this tension, they are called to use the blessing of their education to bless others, becoming servant leaders.
Papua Hope is positioned to immediately impact the future leaders of Papua, and over the coming years we seek to develop a premier Papuan institution for higher education, so as to provide sustained educational excellence, educating generations of future servant leaders .
“*BPS lists Papua as having the lowest college enrollment in the country at fewer than 60,000 university students in 2016, and the highest illiteracy rates (35% of Papuans are illiterate age 15-55).”